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Variables store data, and can be changed (or not) at points in the application.

  • INTEGER(name, value) - This creates a variable that stores an integer, or a whole number, and starts off with the value you set

  • STRING(name, value) - Creates a string, or series of characters such as a sentence. For string values, surround them in quotes, like "this is a string".

  • BOOLEAN(name, value)  | Creates a boolean, or a true/false variable. They can only hold true or false.

  • CHARACTER(name, value) |  | Creates a single character variable. Character values are surrounded by single quotes, like 'a'.

  • DECIMAL(name, value)  | Creates a decimal variable. Can hold a decimal number with up to 15 digits, regardless of their position

  • ASSIGN(name, value) | Makes a variable, referenced by the name attribute, equal a value. Values have to be compatible with the variable type

  • STRINGTOINTEGER(string) | Turns a string, such as a variable's name or a literal string, into a whole number (dropping decimal points, not rounding). This returns an integer, which can be used like INTEGER(i, STRINGTOINTEGER("1")).

  • STRINGTODECIMAL(string) | Same as above, but turned into a decimal instead of an integer.

  • CHARACTERTOSTRING(stringName, character) | This takes a string variable's name and changes its value to that of the character's. Characters cannot always be used in the same way a string can, so this can be useful.

  • NUMBERTOSTRING(number, stringName) | This takes a number and makes it into a string. Useful for performing math operations and outputting using OUTPUT (documented further down the page).

This documentation separates the various kinds of commands that are allowed in Ezpz Exe. It will give a small description of each section and each bullet point will contain a command and a description separated by a hyphen.

Input and Output (IO)

This allows for user input, and giving the user information

  • INPUT | Returns the current value in the input box as a string.

  • OUTPUT(string) | Puts a string the output box, where you use double quotes surrounding what you want to output, like "hello".

  • OUTPUTVAR(stringName) | Puts a string into the output box, where you use a variable's name. This copies from the variable into the output box.

  • INTOOUT | Copies the data in the input box into the output box.


Conditionals are basically conditions based on comparing literals and variables, such as being equal. They return boolean values of true or false and are typically used in if and while statements (explained further down).

  • EQUAL(first, second) | Returns true if the first value is equal to the second.

  • UNEQUAL(first, second) | Returns true if the values are different.

  • GREATER(first, second) | Returns true if the first is greater than the second.

  • LESS(first, second) | Returns true if the first is less than the second.

  • GEQUAL(first, second) | Returns true if the first is greater than or equal to second.

  • LEQUAL(first, second) | Returns boolean true if the first is less than or equal to the second

  • NOT(first) | Returns true if the input is false. This typically done with boolean variables, although boolean constants work as well.

If and while statements

If statements run a piece of code if the condition is true, and while statements run a piece of code until a condition is false.

If statements follow the format of:

if(condition) {

Code to run if condition evaluates to true




if(condition {

Code to run if condition evaluates to true

} else {

Code to run if condition evaluates to false



And while statements take the format of:

while(condition) {

Code to run until condition evaluates to false



When you work with variables, you probably want to perform math operations on them, so this section explains how that works here.

  • + | Adds the value on the left to the value on the right. You can refer to variables by name for this. You have to use ASSIGN or create a variable to set it to a value, as this returns a value.

  • - | Subtracts the left value from the right one. Does not set any values on its own.

  • * | Multiplies the left by the right. Does not set any values on its own.

  • / | Divides the left value by the right one. Does not set any values on its own.

Random numbers

Random numbers allow for your program to have a chance to do something, or have something deal a random amount of damage.

  • SEED(seed) | Seeds the random number generator with the input, which determines what numbers are generated.

  • RANDOMSEED | Seeds the random number generator so that the generated numbers are much more random

  • RANDOM(min, max) | Generates a number based on the seed between the values you provide.


Ezpz Exe applications come standard with 3 buttons (which a screenshot of a blank app can be found at the bottom of the page) and commands in this section allow you to change the shown text and hide/unhide them.

  • SETBUTTON1(text) | Sets the text that shows up on button 1

  • SETBUTTON2(text) | Sets the text that shows up on button 2

  • SETBUTTON3(text) | Sets the text that shows up on button 3

  • HIDEBUTTON(number) | Hides the button you specify, making it invisible and unusable. Valid values are 1, 2, and 3.

  • UNHIDEBUTTON(number) | Makes the button you specify visible again. Valid values are 1, 2, and 3.


This section holds miscellaneous commands that don't really fit anywhere else.

  • COMMENT | Allows you to leave comments. Nothing after COMMENT is parsed, so you can type anything after it without errors.

  • FOLD | Used in the Ezpz Exe Notepad++ language. Does nothing in execution, and can be anywhere.

  • CLOSEFOLD | Used in the Ezpz Exe Notepad++ language. Does nothing in execution and can be anywhere.


Structuring an Ezpz Exe application

Ezpz Exe code is structured in a certain way to allow for creation to be much easier.

The structure is as follows:



Global variables are declared here



This is run when the application starts, but only once, so you can use this to set the output box, and the text on the buttons to initial values, or hide certain buttons initially.



This is run every single time text in the input box is changed. Useful for detecting if something specific is typed.



This is run when the far left button is clicked



This is run when the middle button is clicked



This is run when the middle button is clicked



CAPTION - The text to display on the title bar at the top

DESC - The description for the application

COMPNAME - The name displayed as the company publisher's name

ORIGNAME - The filename



The structure above makes it easy to see what happens when so that you can make applications easy.

You can send the code for an Ezpz Exe application through the menu tab "Send the code" in the above format.

If you wish to attach a 32x32 png or jpg image to set as the application's icon, send the email to with the image attached to the email, along with the Ezpz Exe code, which may be stored in a .ezpz file for convenience.

A blank Ezpz Exe application
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